The Hub-And-Spoke Content Marketing Strategy

Why Do SEO Companies Use It?

If you wonder what a hub and spoke content marketing strategy is? And why does the best SEO company in Zirakpur, Punjab use it? 

We’re here to answer.

What Is Hub-And-Spoke Content Marketing Strategy?

It is a content marketing framework that has proven to drive more traffic to websites. Think of the hub as the main topic that we want to create more authority around and the spokes as supporting content that helps build that authority.

Keyword research is used to find the hub and spoke topics. In keyword research, the keywords with higher volume serve as the hub topics, and the long-tail keywords with low volume search serve as the spokes.

While selecting hub topics, make sure that many subtopics can be created from the hub topics. 

Creating spokes helps bring more traffic to the hub topics since the spoke content goes into more detail about a topic raised in the hub piece. The main idea behind this is to drive more traffic to the hub pages by funneling traffic through the spoke pages, therefore making it possible to rank higher for competitive keywords. 

Importance Of Hub And Spokes For Marketers

The main reasons why the SEO company in Mohali use the hub-and-spoke strategy are:

  1. It establishes authority on a subject by providing more relevant material. 
  2. It boosts the overall ranking of the terms we’re ranking for.
  3. It produces traffic and leads.
  4. It organizes your site and helps with SEO and user experience alike.
  5. It strengthens your brand’s authority. 

How To Make A Hub-And-Spoke Model

Now that we have established what a hub and spoke model is and why the SEO company in Mohali uses it, we can get into the hub-and-spoke creation process.

The first and foremost step involves conducting keyword research. Select the keywords that focus on your target audience. Take time to find keywords that your potential users frequently use to search for things on the internet. Find both short and long-tail keywords. 

The next step involves arranging your keywords into hubs and spokes. As discussed above, for hubs, use high-volume keywords that are difficult to rank, and for spokes, use long-tail keywords that are related to your short keywords. 

After segregating keywords into hubs and spokes, you need to structure your website’s URL in a way that presents a clear picture of your website to your users. Don’t forget to create quality content that justifies your keywords. 

In the end, create quality content that justifies those keywords.


Time and time again, the hub-and-spoke model for content marketing strategy has proven to be useful for websites’ SEO. The hub and spoke model also makes it possible for websites to rank for keywords with high volume and high difficulty, which wouldn’t be possible otherwise. No wonder the top SEO company in Zirakpur, Mohali, uses it.


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