5 Must-Know Things when Redesigning website?
5 Must-Know Things when Redesigning a website?
Is your website not performing well even after spending tons of money and resources? Having a website that misses its mark with the visitors is a waste of time, money, and effort.
Don't lose all hope, you can always choose to redesign your website to gain more visitors and improve ROI.
If you are searching for the best web development company in India, you may know if there is something not right with your website and may need a touch-up. Surely, you will be having questions how the website can help in generating better business. Mostly revamping a website resolves the issue and hence comes as a preference for a business owner that saves money, time, and hustle. Now that we have established that redesigning your website is better than creating a new one again, choosing when to redesign is still a huge factor. So to help you decide if you need a redesign for your website, here are some of the factors to go through:
Increased Bounce Rate:
Bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors that only visit a single page. A high percentage rate indicates that your website has a poor user experience. If a user finds it difficult to navigate on your website, chances are he or she would leave without visiting other pages on your website.
Not Mobile-friendly:
Nearly half of the website traffic comes from mobile devices. A website needs to be mobile-friendly because Google has started ranking mobile-friendly websites higher than nonmobile-friendly websites.
Poor user experience:
There is a reason that a whole new branch of design called User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) exists. If your website's user experience is poor, it will rank lower on Google. Changing things into the existing site can be made to improve user experience, but sometimes making a new website, with User Experience as the top priority, can be the best course of action.
Dead links:
Links that don't send the user to the intended place but instead show error 404 are called dead links. If your website has dead links, it may cause the user to not return to your website. Dead links can be removed by either deleting them or modifying them.
Not secured with HTTPS:
With the increase in privacy breaches online, people these days have become more cautious with web browsing. A user might not visit your website if he believes that your website is not secure. To add more security to your website, use HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). HTTPS scrambles the data transmitted to and from your website to prevent unauthorized users from reading it.
If your website is showing any of these signs, then it is time for you to redesign your website. If you are not able to redesign your website on your own, you can take the help of the company. Go with the best web development company in India as there are lots of companies in India, and choosing the best service provider is the key.
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